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Jacob Burckhardt’s view that Renaissance European women “stood on a footing of perfect

equality” with Renaissance men has been repeatedly cited by feminist scholars as a prelude to their presentation of rich historical evidence of women’s

inequality. In striking contrast to Burckhardt, Joan Kelly in her famous 1977 essay, “Did Women Have a Renaissance?” argued that the Renaissance was

a period of economic and social decline for women relative both to Renaissance men and to medieval women. Recently, however, a significant trend among feminist scholars has entailed a rejection

of both Kelly’s dark vision of the Renaissance and Burckhardt’s rosy one. Many recent works by these scholars stress the ways in which differences among Renaissance women—especially in terms

of social status and religion—work to complicate the kinds of generalizations both Burckhardt and

Kelly made on the basis of their observations about upper-class Italian women.

The trend is also evident, however, in works focusing on those middle- and upper-class European women whose ability to write gives them disproportionate representation in the historical

record. Such women were, simply by virtue of

their literacy, members of a tiny minority of the population, so it is risky to take their descriptions of their experiences as typical of “female experience”

in any general sense. Tina Krontiris, for example, in her fascinating study of six Renaissance women

writers, does tend at times to conflate “women” and “women writers,” assuming that women’s gender,

irrespective of other social differences, including

literacy, allows us to view women as a homogeneous social group and make that group an object of analysis. Nonetheless, Krontiris makes a significant contribution to the field and is representative of

those authors who offer what might be called a

cautiously optimistic assessment of Renaissance women’s achievements, although she also stresses the social obstacles Renaissance women faced

when they sought to raise their “oppositional voices.” Krontiris is concerned to show women

intentionally negotiating some power for themselves (at least in the realm of public discourse) against potentially constraining ideologies, but in her sober and thoughtful concluding remarks, she suggests

that such verbal opposition to cultural stereotypes was highly circumscribed; women seldom attacked the basic assumptions in the ideologies that

oppressed them.

It can be inferred that both Burckhardt and Kelly have been criticized by the scholars mentioned in line 12 for which of the following?

    A. Assuming that women writers of the Renaissance are representative of Renaissance women in general

    B. Drawing conclusions that are based on the study of an atypical group of women

    C. Failing to describe clearly the relationship between social status and literacy among Renaissance women

    D. Failing to acknowledge the role played by Renaissance women in opposing cultural stereotypes

    E. Failing to acknowledge the ways in which social status affected the creative activities of Renaissance women




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Line 12 refers to feminist scholars who have rejected both Kelly’s and Burckhardt’s views of the status of Renaissance women. The next sentence states that the feminist scholars use

class and religious differences among Renaissance women to argue against Kelly’s and Burckhardt’s generalizations, which were based on upper-class Italian women.

A. The second paragraph suggests that Krontiris at times conflates Renaissance women writers and women in general, but the passage does not indicate that the feminist

scholars believe this of Kelly or Burckhardt.

B. Correct. The feminist scholars mentioned study different types of Renaissance women and so reject Kelly’s and Burckhardt’s conclusions that were based on a group that was not in fact typical.

C. Krontiris, not Kelly and Burckhardt, is the scholar who, according to the passage, fails to address the relationship between literacy and social status.

D. The passage provides no grounds for determining whether Kelly, Burckhardt, or the feminist scholars mentioned in the first paragraph dealt with Renaissance women’s opposition to cultural stereotypes; Krontiris’s work is concerned with this question.

E. The first paragraph suggests that feminist scholars criticized Kelly and Burckhardt for failing to acknowledge the ways in which social status complicates any generalizations that can be made about Renaissance women’s lives, not their creative activities



The correct answer is B.





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