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600-650   题数:346
【OG20-P569-634题】Snowmaking machines work by spraying a mist that freezes immediately on contact with cold air. Because the sudden freezing kills bacteria, QuickFreeze is planning to market a wastewater purification system that works on the same principle. The process works only when temperatures are cold, however, so municipalities using it will still need to maintain a conventional system. Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for a prediction that municipalities will buy QuickFreeze's purification system despite the need to maintain a conventional purification system as well?
Reviewer: The book Art's Dedine argues that European painters today lack skills that were common among European painters of preceding centuries. In this the book must be right, since its analysis of 100 paintings, 50 old and 50 contemporary, demonstrates convincingly that none of the contemporary paintings are executed as skillfully as the older paintings.Which of the following points to the most serious logical flaw in the reviewer's argument?
In Asia, where palm trees are non-native, the trees’ flowers have traditionally been pollinated by hand, which has kept palm fruit productivity unnaturally low. When weevils known to be efficient pollinators of palm flowers were introduced into Asia in 1980, palm fruit productivity increased— by up to 50 percent in some areas—but then decreased sharply in 1984.Which of the following statements, if true, would best explain the 1984 decrease in productivity?
Public health official: Some researchers suspect that magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines can cause health problems for people who live especially near the fines. However, this is extremely unlikely: Beyond a distance of a few feet, the strength of the magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines is less than the average strength of magnetic fields in homes that are not located near such lines.Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the public health argument?
The recent rise of low-cost airlines in Country Y has led to great increases in the number of air travelers and flights. However, a “hidden cost” of flying and certain other forms of travel is the significant amount of air pollution, which contributes to global warming. To make people pay these hidden costs—and in the process discourage the explosive growth in flying—the government of Country Y plans to impose fees on all air travel. There is a problem, however, in that many residents of Country Y would then use automobile transportation instead, without paying the hidden costs of the resulting air pollution.Which of the following additions to the government's plan would be likely to help most in overcoming the problem referred to in the final sentence above?
Letter to the editor: Our city plans to allow major commercial development along the south waterfront and, in so doing, to increase its tax revenue. But, to succeed commercially, the development would inevitably create far more road traffic than the existing roads to the waterfront can handle, causing serious congestion. Providing enough roads or public transportation to the area would cost far more than the city could gain from the increased tax revenue.Which of the following, if added to the city's plan, would be most likely to help solve the problem the letter describes?
Roland: The alarming fact is that 90 percent of the people in this country now report that they know someone who is unemployed.Sharon: But a normal, moderate level of unemployment is 5 percent, with 1 out of 20 workers unemployed. So at any given time if a person knows approximately 50 workers, 1 or more will very be unemployed.Sharon's argument is structured to lead to which of the following as a conclusion?
A company plans to develop a prototype weeding machine that uses cutting blades with optical sensors and microprocessors that distinguish weeds from crop plants by differences in shade of color. The inventor of the machine claims that it will reduce labor costs by virtually eliminating the need for manual weeding.Which of the following is a consideration in favor of the company’s implementing its plan to develop the prototype?
Increases in the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the human bloodstream lower bloodstream cholesterol levels by increasing the body's capacity to rid itself of excess cholesterol. Levels of HDL in the bloodstream of some individuals are significantly increased by a program of regular exercise and weight reduction.Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statements above?
An influential stock analyst recommends the purchase of three infrequently traded stocks in each of his weekly magazine columns. Unusually large amounts of these stocks are often purchased one day before the magazine appears on the newsstands. This pattern has recurred over a period.Suppose that the information presented above is accurate. Each of the following statements, if true, could help to explain why the unusually large purchases occurred EXCEPT:









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