A certain bank charges a maintenance fee on a standard checking account each month that the balance falls below $1,000 at any time during the month. Did the bank charge a maintenance fee on Sue's standard checking account last month?(1) At the beginning of last month, Sue's account balance was $1,500.(2) During last month, a total of $2,000 was withdrawn from Sue's checking account.
For any integers x and y, min(x, y) and max(x, y) denote the minimum and the maximum of x and y, respectively. For example, min(5, 2) = 2 and max(5, 2) = 5. For the integer w, what is the value of min(10, w) ?
(1) w = max(20, z) for some integer z.
(2) w = max(10, w)
Development planners determined the number of new housing units needed in a certain area by using the formula H = kJ, where H is the number of new housing units needed in the area, J is the number of new jobs to be created in the area, and k is a constant. How many new housing units did the planners determine were needed?(1)The number of new jobs to be created was 60,000.(2)According to the formula used by the planners, if 37,500 jobs were to be created, then 7,500 new housing units would be needed.