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Except   题数:13
Following several years of declining advertising sales, the Greenville Times reorganized its advertising sales force two years ago. Before the reorganization, the sales force was organized geographically, with some sales representatives concentrating on city-center businesses and others concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorganization attempted to increase the sales representatives’ knowledge of clients’ businesses by having each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or of retailing. After the reorganization, advertising sales increased.In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sales can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be helpful to find out each of the following EXCEPT:
An influential stock analyst recommends the purchase of three infrequently traded stocks in each of his weekly magazine columns. Unusually large amounts of these stocks are often purchased one day before the magazine appears on the newsstands. This pattern has recurred over a period.Suppose that the information presented above is accurate. Each of the following statements, if true, could help to explain why the unusually large purchases occurred EXCEPT:
Electronic computer chips made of tiny silicon wafers now regularly contain millions of electronic switches. Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation. Micro-Mechanics plans to produce a chip that, because it uses only microscopic mechanical switches, will be invulnerable to radiation damage. The switches will, however, be slower than electronic switches and the chip will contain only 12,000 switches.For there to be a market for Micro-Mechanics's chip as a result of the apparent advantage described above, each of the following would have to be true EXCEPT:
In the past year Harborville has had an unusually high rate of new cases of a certain disease. An investigation revealed that over the past five years Harborville's public water supply has had a high level of pollutants. Medical researchers have hypothesized that Harborville's water is responsible for the high rate of new cases of the disease. Each of the following, if true, provides additional support for the researchers' hypothesis EXCEPT:
One way to judge the performance of a company is to compare it with other companies. This technique, commonly called "benchmarking," permits the manager of a company to discover better industrial practices and can provide a justification for the adoption of good practices.Any of the following, if true, is a valid reason for benchmarking the performance of a company against companies with which it is not in competition rather than against competitors EXCEPT:
In the past year Harborville has had an unusually high rate of new cases of a certain disease. An investigation revealed that over the past five years Harborville's public water supply has had a high level of pollutants. Medical researchers have hypothesized that Harborville's water is responsible for the high rate of new cases of the disease.Each of the following, if true, provides additional support for the researchers' hypothesis EXCEPT:
A sudden increase in the production of elephant ivory artifacts on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa occurred in the tenth century. Historians explain this increase as the result of an area opening up as a new source of ivory and argue on this basis that the important medieval trade between North Africa and East Africa began at this period.Each of the following, if true, provides some support for the historians' account described above EXCEPT:
After its customers complained about being pressured to buy unneeded insurance, an insurance agency stopped rewarding its agents for high sales volume and instead gave them bonuses for high levels of customer satisfaction. Under this new plan, both customer satisfaction and the insurance agency's sales increased. Each of the following, if true, helps to explain how the change in incentives for agents could have resulted in increased sales EXCEPT:
A new commercial radio station in Greenfield plans to play songs that were popular hits fifteen to twenty-five years ago. It hopes in this way to attract an audience made up mainly of people between thirty-five and forty-five years old and thereby to have a strong market appeal to advertisers. Each of the following, if true, strengthens the prospects that the radio station's plan will succeed EXCEPT:
A sudden increase in the production of elephant ivory artifacts on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa occurred in the tenth century. Historians explain this increase as the result of an area opening up as a new source of ivory and argue on this basis that the important medieval trade between North Africa and East Africa began at this period. Each of the following, if true, provides some support for the historians’ account described above EXCEPT:









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