咨询热线: 400-600-1123
地址:上海市徐汇区文定路218号德必徐家汇WE艺术湾B座207咨询热线: 400-600-1123
地址:北京市朝阳区雅宝路7号 E园EPARK大厦4楼(预约洽谈)咨询热线: 400-600-1123
地址:广州天河区华穗路406号保利克洛维中景大厦(预约洽谈)咨询热线: 027-87132585
地址:武汉市珞喻路889号光谷融众国际写字楼17层1707室咨询热线: 028-64442708
地址:四川省成都市锦江区春熙路街道梓潼桥正街25号西部文化产业中心8楼咨询热线: 400-600-1123
地址:杭州市江干区江锦路159号 平安金融中心B座9楼咨询热线: 023-63261757
地址:重庆市渝中区邹容路68号大都会广场16楼1603-1604室咨询热线: 400-600-1123
地址:深圳市南山区玉泉路116号融创毅哲大厦(预约洽谈)咨询热线: 0532-80903870
地址: 青岛市市南区南京路8号 府都大厦725室这是我在论坛中找到的,关于俄国妇女地位的,大家做一下,答案和它的一样吗,我的是CAC。Historians have identified two dominant currents in the Russian women's movement of the late tsarist period. "Bourgeois" feminism, so called by its more radical opponents, emphasized "individualist" feminist goals such as access to education, career opportunities, and legal equality. "Socialist" feminists, by contrast, emphasized class, rather than gender, as the principal source of women's inequality and oppression, and socialist revolution, not legal reform, as the only road to emancipation and equality.
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